
Un blog totalmente en español dedicado a David Archuleta, quien con su bella voz, tiernos ojos y dulce sonrisa ha conquistado nuestros corazones. Nuestra finalidad es propagar la musica de David tanto en Venezuela como en muchos otros paises de habla hispana y del mundo entero, al tratar de mantenerlos al dia con todo sobre David; por lo tanto este blog esta abierto a todas y todos aquellos que disfruten el talento de este chico! Por cualquier comentario, sugerencias o si has conocido a David y quieres que publiquemos tu historia, no dudes en escribir a:


viernes, 2 de enero de 2009

David nos desea un FELIZ AÑO NUEVO!!!!!!!!!!

Estas palabras las publico David en su MySpace el 31 de diciembre:

Happy New Years!

Hola a todos! I hope everyone had an awesome holiday season! I've been spending time with my family, and it's been great! It's been so nice to finally relax and spend time with all of them. We've been in Vegas for the last little while. I've been eating WAY too much, but hopefully I'll be able to lose some of it lol. Anyway, I wanted to thank everyone for incredibly thoughtful things you've been saying wishing me happy holidays and also happy birthday! haha. I just had my birthday on the 28th, so I'm now officially 18. Thanks sooo much for all the comments and videos that you guys have sent! It was way cool to see them!! For my birthday we ate Thai food for dinner, and then saw the Blue Man Group which was really cool and creative. It was cool to go to a show with my family and have a fun time doing something together, so I had a great day. On our way to the show my siblings and I found out that we all happened to know the Happy New Years!
Hola a todos! I hope everyone had an awesome holiday season! I've been spending time with my family, and it's been great! It's been so nice to finally relax and spend time with all of them. We've been in Vegas for the last little while. I've been eating WAY too much, but hopefully I'll be able to lose some of it lol. Anyway, I wanted to thank everyone for incredibly thoughtful things you've been saying wishing me happy holidays and also happy birthday! haha. I just had my birthday on the 28th, so I'm now officially 18. Thanks sooo much for all the comments and videos that you guys have sent! It was way cool to see them!! For my birthday we ate Thai food for dinner, and then saw the Blue Man Group which was really cool and creative. It was cool to go to a show with my family and have a fun time doing something together, so I had a great day. On our way to the show my siblings and I found out that we all happened to know the Harry Potter Puppet Pals and the Mysterious Ticking Noise and had enough of us to do the different parts... haha. We're dorks, but we had fun. But thanks again for all the things you guys have done for me during the holiday season! And hope everyone has a Happy New Year!!

A continuacion tratare de traducirles que nos dijo David:

Feliz Año Nuevo

Hola a todos! Espero que todos tengan una increible temporada de vacaciones! He estado pasando el tiempo con mi familia, y ha sido grandioso! Ha sido genial finalmente relajarme y pasar tiempo con ellos. Ultimamente estuvimos en las Vegas. He estado comiendo demasiado, pero espero ser capaz de perder algo de eso. En fin, quiero agradecerles a todos por las increibles cosas que me han dicho deseandome felices navidades y feliz cumpleaños tambien! jaja. Cumpli años el 28, por eso ahora tengo oficialmente 18 años. muchas gracias por todos los comentarios y videos que me han enviado! Fue genial verlos todos! En mi cumpleaños comimos comida tailandeza para la cena, y luego vimos al grupo Blue Man Group, los cuales fueron geniales y creativos. Fue muy cool ir a un show con mi familia y divertirnos haciendo algo juntos, por eso pase una grandioso dia. De camino al show, mis hermanos y yo (en esta parte David menciona algo sobre Harry Potter y un video, como haciendo referencia a que estaban imitando algo y se divirtieron haciendolo, de verdad no entiendo mucho esa parte, sorry).

Pero bueno gracias denuevo por todas las cosas que han hecho por mi en estas navidades! Y espero que todos reciban un Feliz Año Nuevo!!

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